Welcome to the E4E Mangrove Monitoring Documentation Hub!

drawing drawing


For all code references, please go to the Github repositories below

General Tools and Documentation: https://github.com/UCSD-E4E/mangrove

Machine Learning Development: https://github.com/UCSD-E4E/ml-mangrove

Image Classification Tool: https://github.com/UCSD-E4E/web-mangrove

Image Labeling Tool: https://github.com/UCSD-E4E/labeling-mangrove

Biomass Estimation: https://github.com/UCSD-E4E/biomass-mangrove

Current Team

Dillon Hicks Kathy Qi Arden Ma
Technical Lead dillon Biomass
UNet Segmentation /CNN drawing
Matthew Ma Ashlesha Vaidya David Forman - REU
UNet Segmentation drawing Semi-Supervised Segmentation drawing Labeling Tool david
Nicole Meister - REU Samuel Cole - REU Thuan Do - HS
Image Classification Tool nicole UNet Segmentation drawing

PI's and Collaborators/Mentors


Ryan Kastner

Curt Schurgers

Eric Lo

Aburto Lab (SIO)

Octavio Aburto

Astrid Hsu

John Dorian